Welcome to Fountainhead Properties

Choose our local retirement community in Jackson Township, NJ

Finding a home in a community that you enjoy shouldn't be difficult. When you choose to make Fountainhead Properties in Jackson Township, NJ your home, you won't have to compromise. Our 55-plus community includes new and pre-owned manufactured homes.

Learn about the homes at Fountainhead Properties

Our family-run community opened in the 1980s. Since that time, we've created a local retirement community with homes that have:

  • Two bedrooms and two bathrooms
  • Kitchen appliances, washers and dryers
  • Mail delivery and curbside trash and recycling pickup

Each comfortable home in our local retirement community meets strict code requirements. Plus, there's plenty of space between each house, and they're all located in a beautiful setting.

Our team built the 55-plus community at Fountainhead Properties from the ground up, and we remain very hands-on. We strive to ensure that every resident feels safe and comfortable. If you're looking for a neighborhood where you'll feel right at home, contact the team at our adult community today.

local retirement community jackson township nj
senior living manufactured homes jackson township nj

Ready to talk to our team?

You can call 732-928-3100 to speak with the professionals at our 55-plus community. We'll be happy to answer any questions about our adult community or the nearby amenities, like grocery stores and restaurants. Contact us today to learn more.

Enjoy the benefits of living in a retirement community

You don't have to search far and wide for elderly housing in Jackson Township, NJ. Look no further than Fountainhead Properties. Our family-run senior living homes are cozy, comfortable and have plenty of privacy. There are many great benefits to living in a retirement community, including:

  • Meeting other like-minded individuals your age
  • Being able to live closer to your friends
  • Not having to worry about a mortgage
  • Being able to plan events or form a club
  • Not maintaining a new home or yard
Call us now at 732-928-3100 to learn more about our affordable housing for the elderly. WeĆ­ll be happy to answer your questions.